A New Message from Barack Obama

Sat, 11 Mar 2017 23:00:00 JST (2609d)
Top > A New Message from Barack Obama
- Interviewing the Guardian Spirit of the President of the United States -
April 17,2014(2014年4月17日)
General Headquarters(総合本部)

Mariko Isis(イシス真理子)

  1. Summoning the Guardian Spirit of Mr.Obama, One Week Before His Visit to Japan
  2. One Reason for His Visit to Japan- the Prestige of the United States
  3. Reason Number Two- Tough Financial Situation of the United States
  4. Prime Minister Abe is "Between Churchill and Hitler"
  5. On Wall Street and Money
  6. Ukraine and the Devil of Russia
  7. President Park, Yasukuni and the Comfort Women Issue
  8. Dear Prime Minister Abe: "Don't Move, Say Nothing"
  9. "I Want to Do My Best, My Next Two Years, for the People of the Weaker Side of the United States"
  10. After the Spiritual Message
    (10. 霊言を終えて)